2019年 研究・実績
信州公衆衛生学会 2019年最優秀論文
松澤幸範,花岡正幸.急速に普及する加熱式たばこ・電子たばこに対する職場の対応について.信州公衆衛生雑誌.2018, 13, 1-8.(2018.8)
Asian Pacific Society of Respirology (APSR 2019) Hanoi Vietnam 2019/11/17
Young Investigators Travel Award
Wada Y, Kitaguchi Y, Yasuo M, Hanaoka M.
Reduction of antioxidant activity in rats of emphysema with pulmonary hypertension induced by SU5416/Hypoxia: Potential roles of vascular endothelial growth factor.
- Nishie K, Yamamoto S, Yamaga T, Horigome N, Hanaoka M. Peripherally acting μ-opioid antagonist for the treatment of opioid-induced constipation: Systematic review and meta-analysis. J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2019;34:818-829. doi: 10.1111/jgh.14586.(Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology. IF:3.632)
- Ikuyama Y, Ushiki A, Akahane J, Kosaka M, Kitaguchi Y, Urushihata K, Yasuo M, Yamamoto H, Hanaoka M. Comparison of clinical characteristics of patients with Mycobacterium avium complex disease by gender. Epidemiol Infect. 2019;147:e108.
doi: 10.1017/S0950268819000293
(Epidemiology and Infection. IF:2.047 )
- Sonehara K, Kobayashi T, Tateishi K, Morozumi N, Yoshiike F, Hachiya T, Ono Y, Takasuna K, Agatsuma T, Masubuchi T, Matsuo A, Tanaka H, Morikawa A, Hanaoka M, Koizumi T. Clinical analysis of EGFR-positive non-small cell lung cancer patients treated with first-line afatinib: A Nagano Lung Cancer Research Group. Thorac Cancer. 2019;10:1078-1085. doi: 10.1111/1759-7714.13047.
(Thoracic Cancer. IF:2.524) - Yamamoto H, Yasuo M, Komatsu M, Ushiki A, Hamano H, Hori A, Nakajima T, Uehara T, Fujinaga Y, Matsui S, Hanaoka M. Comparison of the chemokine profiles in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid between IgG4-related respiratory disease and sarcoidosis: CC-chemokine ligand 1 might be involved in the pathogenesis of sarcoidosis. Cytokine. 2019;120:125-129. doi: 10.1016/j.cyto.2019.04.017.
(Cytokine. IF:3.078) - Ichiyama T, Yamamoto H, Hongo K. Effects of subtype-selective E prostanoid receptor Aagonists on bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis in rats. Shinshu Med J. 2019;67:183-195.
- Ichimata S, Kobayashi M, Ohya M, Otsuki T, Yanagisawa K, Tateishi K,Kato A, Matsuo A, Kanno H.A fulminant case of classical Hodgkin lymphoma: a diagnostic dilemma of Epstein‐Barr virus‐positive large B‐cell neoplasms. Pathol. int. 2019;13:1-7.doi:10.1111/pin.12800.
(Pathology International. IF:2.082) - Yasuo M, Droma Y, Kitaguchi Y, Ito M, Imamura H, Kawakubo M, Hanaoka M. The relationship between acrolein and oxidative stress in COPD: in systemic plasma and in local lung tissue. Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis. 2019;14:1527-1537. doi: 10.2147/COPD.S208633. eCollection 2019.
(International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease IF: 3.274) - Kosaka M, Yasuo M, Kinota F, Machida R, Kitaguchi Y, Ushiki A, Yamamoto H, Uehara T, Hamanaka K, Kawakami S, Hanaoka M. Probe-based optical fiberscopy for the direct observation of peripheral pulmonary lesions. Respir Investig. 2019;57:481-489.
doi: 10.1016/j.resinv.2019.06.006.
(Respiratory Investigation.IF: 0) - Sonehara K, Tateishi K, Fukushima T, Komatsu M, Yamamoto H, Koizumi T, Hanaoka M. The efficacy of amrubicin third-line chemotherapy in patients with relapsed extensive-disease small-cell lung cancer: A retrospective and historical study in a single institute. Thorac Cancer. 2019;10:1805-1811. doi: 10.1111/1759-7714.13150.
(Thoracic Cancer . IF: 2.524) - Ueno F, Kitaguchi Y, Shiina T, Asaka S, Yasuo M, Wada Y, Kinjo T, Yoshizawa A, Hanaoka M. The interstitial lung disease-gender-age-physiology index can predict the prognosis in surgically resected patients with interstitial lung disease and concomitant lung cancer.Respiration. 2019;25:1-10.
doi: 10.1159/000502849. (Respiration. IF:2.935) - Sonehara K, Tateishi K, Komatsu M, Yamamoto H, Hanaoka M, Kanda S, Koizumi T. Modified glasgow prognostic score as a prognostic factor in patients with extensive disease-small-cell lung cancer: A retrospective study in a single institute. Chemotherapy. 2019;17:1-9. doi: 10.1159/000502681. [Epub ahead of print]
(CHEMOTHERAPY .IF: 1.571) - Tateishi K, Ko R, Shukuya T, Okuma Y, Watanabe S, Kuyama S, Murase K, Tsukita Y, Ashinuma H, Nakagawa T, Uematsu K, Nakao M, Mori Y, Kaira K, Mouri A, Miyabayashi T, Sakashita H, Matsumoto Y, Tanigawa T, Koizumi T, Morita S, Kobayashi K, Nukiwa T, Takahashi K; North East Japan Study Group.
Clinical outcomes of second-line chemotherapy in patients with previously treated advanced thymic carcinoma: A retrospective analysis of 191 patients from the NEJ023 study. Oncologist. 2019;24:1-7.
doi: 10.1634/theoncologist.2019-0593. [Epub ahead of print](ONCOLOGIST.IF: 5.252)
- Komatsu M, Yamamoto H, Shomura T, Sonehara K, Ichiyama T, Urushihata K, Ushiki A, Yasuo M, Wakamatsu T, Sugimoto S, Oto T, Date H, Koizumi T, Hanaoka M, Kubo K. Twenty-year follow-up of the first bilateral living-donor lobar lung transplantation in Japan. Intern Med. 2019, Jul 10.
doi: 10.2169/internalmedicine.3160-19. [Epub ahead of print]
(Internal Medicine. IF: 0.956)
- 牛木淳人.抗酸菌感染症(結核、非結核性抗酸菌症)について.信州医誌.2019, 67, 37-47.(2019.2)
- 荒木太亮, 岩波直弥, 濵 峰幸, 牛木淳人, 山崎善隆.診断に難渋し外科的腹膜生検により診断した肺結核・結核性腹膜炎の1例.結核.2019, 94, 45-50.(2019.2)
- 立石一成.非小細胞肺癌治療における免疫療法.信州医誌.2019, 67, 217-219.(2019.6)
- 和田洋典, 花岡正幸.特集肺高血圧症 ガイドラインとニース会議提言を紐解くⅢ.2群,3群,4群PH治療のポイントを紐解く「呼吸器疾患に伴う肺高血圧治療の動向」.呼吸器ジャーナル.2019,67,670-675.(2019.11.1)
- 牛木淳人, 花岡正幸.日本人の薬剤性肺障害:概論.呼吸器内科.2019,36,597-603.(2019.12)
所 弥生, 安尾将法, 吾妻俊彦, 山本 洋, 谷 直樹, 小池剛史, 花岡正幸.局所麻酔下軟性気管支鏡で摘出し得た長期介在気管支異物(歯冠補綴物)の1例.気管支学.2019, 41, 127-132.(2019.3)
- 花岡正幸. WebSite「NET My MR君」薬剤性間質肺炎の診断と治療~特にmTOR阻害薬を中心に~.2019,5.28より配信.
- 牛木淳人. WebSite「NET My MR君」薬剤性間質肺炎の診断と治療~特にmTOR阻害薬を中心に~.2019,5.28より配信.
- 花岡正幸.肺疾患に伴う肺高血圧症up-to-date.第28回日本呼吸ケア・リハビリテーション学会記録集ランチョンセミナー4.2019年3月作成.
- 花岡正幸.信濃毎日新聞掲載「IPF疾患啓発記事」株式会社ながのアド・ビューロ.