
2018年 研究・実績



日本登山医学会 高山病と関連疾患の診療ガイドライン作成委員会  編,


  1. Hanaoka M, Nakamura H, Aoshiba K, eds. Drug-Induced Lung Injury. 1st ed. 2018. Springer, Berlin.
  2. Ushiki A, Hanaoka M. Clinical Characteristics of DLI: What Are the Clinical Features of DLI? Drug-Induced Lung Injury. 1st ed. pp27-33, 2018. Springer, Berlin.
  1. Asaka S, Yoshizawa A, Nakata R, Negishi T, Yamamoto H, Shina T, Shigeto S, Matsuda K, Kobayashi Y, Honda T.Utility of bronchial lavage fluids for epithelial growth factor receptor mutation assay in lung cancer patients: Comparison between cell pellets, cell blocks and matching tissue specimens. Oncology Letters.2018; 15: 1469-1474.
  2. Yasuo M, Kitaguchi Y, Kinota F, Kosaka M, Urushihata K, Ushiki A, Yamamoto H, Kawakami S, Hanaoka M. Usefulness of the forced oscillation technique in assessing the therapeutic result of tracheobronchial central airway obstruction. Respiratory Investigation. 2018; 56: 222-229.
  3. Wada Y, Kitaguchi Y, Yasuo M, Ueno F, Kawakami S, Fukushima K, Fujimoto K, Hanaoka M. Diversity of respiratory impedance based on quantitative computed tomography in patients with COPD. International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. 2018; 13: 1841-1849.
  4. Fukushima T, Wakatsuki Y, Kobayashi T, Sonehara K, Tateishi K, Yamamoto M, Masubuchi T, Yoshiike F, Hirai K, Hachiya T, Koizumi T.Phase II study of cisplatin/pemetrexed combined with bevacizumab followed by pemetrexed/bevacizumab maintenance therapy in patients with
    EGFR-wild advanced non-squamous non-small cell lung cancer. Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology.
  5. Kato A, Yasuo M, Tokoro Y, Kobayashi N, Ichiyama T, Tateishi K, Ushiki A, Urushihata K, Yamamoto H, Hanaoka M. Virtual bronchoscopic navigation as an aid to CT-guided transbronchial biopsy improves the diagnostic yield for small peripheral pulmonary lesions. Respirology. 2018; 23: 1049-1054.
  6. Uchida M, Kaneko M, Hidaka Y, Yamamoto H, Honda T, Takeuchi S, Saito M, Kawa S. High vaccination coverage is associated with low epidemic level of seasonal influenza in elementary schools: an observational study in Matsumoto City, Japan. BMC Infectious Diseases.2018; 18: 28.
  7. Mochizuki I, Honda T, Hanaoka M. Pathogenetic study from fine structure of the capillary endothelial cells in the sarcoidosis patients -defect of observed in plasma membrane, lipid droplets and peripheral nerve fibers involving hilological consideration for phospholipase A2 (PLA2) and stomatin-like protein 2(SLP-2). Journal of Infectious Pulmonary Diseases. 2018; 4.
  8.  Kinota F, Droma Y, Kobayashi N, Horiuchi T, Kitaguchi Y, Yasuo M, Ota M, Hanaoka M. The contribution of genetic variants of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-alpha gene to high-altitude hypoxia adaptation in sherpa highlanders. High Altitude Medicine & Biology. 2018; 0052.
  9. Hanaoka M. High-altitude pulmonary edema in Japan. Chinese High Altitude Medicine and Biology.2018; 39:145-149.
  1. Nishie K, Yasuo M, Kitaguchi Y, Kobayashi N, Tateishi K, Ushiki A, Urushihata K, Yamamoto H, Ideura G, Hanaoka M. Bevacizumab-induced tracheoesophageal fistula in a patient suffering from lung cancer with bulky subcarinal lymph node: a case report. Nagoya J Med Sci. 2018; 80: 129–134.
  2. Sonehara K, Shomura T, Yasuo M, Ushiki A, Yamamoto H, Hanaoka M. Successful ventilator weaning following vascular bypass in patient with vascular tracheobronchial compression. Respirology Case Reports. 2018; 6: e00320.


  1. 花岡正幸.Ⅳ呼吸器系疾患の診断・治療・ケア「60.重症肺炎の治療指針」.岡本和文 総著.救急・集中治療最新ガイドライン2018-19.東京: 総合医学社:2018.pp215-217.
  2. 花岡正幸.雑誌掲載座談会 「肺高血圧症の境界域~各群における鑑別・診断の難しさ―肺高血圧症ワールドシンポジウム(ニース)におけるトピックスも交えて―」.Pulmonary Hypertension Update.大阪:メディカルレビュー社:2018. 4:pp10-17.
  3. 花岡正幸.もう一歩踏み込むための重要ガイドライン呼吸器:「5.薬剤性肺障害の診断・治療の手引き」.救急医学.東京: へるす出版:2018. 42: pp1302-1307.
  4. 安尾将法:信大病院窓「呼吸器内視鏡の進歩と当科の実績」.長野醫報2018.676: pp24-28.
  5. 花岡正幸.日本呼吸器学会薬剤性肺障害の診断・治療の手引き第2版作成委員会 編.薬剤性肺障害の診断・治療の手引き2018.東京: メディカルレビュー社:2018.
  1. 花岡正幸.自著とその周辺「高山病と関連疾患の診療ガイドライン」.信州医誌.2018; 66: 72.
  2. 市山崇史.私がなぜ現在の科目をえらんだか「呼吸器・感染症・アレルギー内科」信州医誌.2018; 66: 71.
  3. 花岡正幸.急性呼吸窮迫症候群~ARDS~.月刊難病と在宅ケア.2018; 23: 33-36.
  4. 曽根原 圭,安尾将法,堀内俊道,加藤あかね,小林信光,牛木淳人,山本 洋,花岡正幸. 高周波スネアにより切除した気管支内神経鞘腫の1例.気管支学.2018; 40: 206-210.
  5. 牛木淳人,花岡正幸:【特集 薬剤性肺障害-病態・診断・治療のUpdate-】薬剤性肺障害の治療と予後、医薬品副作用被害救済制度.最新醫学2018; 73: 41-45.
  6. 松澤幸範,花岡正幸.急速に普及する加熱式たばこ・電子たばこに対する職場の対応について.信州公衆衛生雑誌.2018; 13:1-8.
  1. 町田良亮:「OSASの呼吸抵抗、覚醒中も一定の体位で増大.」
    医療ニュース.Medical Tribune
  2. 牛木淳人:「高齢者の肺結核について」奥さまはホームドクター.テレビ信州(2018.9.10~9.14放送)