
Respirology Department, Shinshu University Hospital
40th – 31st July 2014
First of all, I would like to say thank you to all of you for this one month. You taught and explained me everything that I have never seen before and it was such an unforgettable experiences. In this department, I could meet patient and have a chance to examine them, I also saw so many sophisticated tools and machines that I never know it exist. I saw and got a lot of explanations about diseases that rarely occurs in my country. I`m so lucky to choose this department.
When I first came here, I taught it will be difficult to me to understand because I can`t speak Japanesse, but then I am wrong. All the doctors in this department explained me about all questions that I have till I understand. All doctors, office`s staff, nurse, and even the patient are very kind to me. I learned a lot here, and I hope this knowledge and experiences I got here will be useful for me as a future doctor. I`m sure of that. Once again, thank you so much Sensei.

Medical Student of Udayana University, Bali, Indonesia
